



It’s been done before, and it will be done some more.  The methods are different, but the results are always the same.

In every generation, someone comes along who is determined to play the part of the adversary.

The word, “Satan”, means adversary, or one who plots against another.

Angela is one of the Seraphim – one of the Destroying Angels of God – a part of God’s Army.

The females typically take care of the communications and logistics rather than engaging in actual combat; but today, God had given her a specific assignment that would require her to take some people’s lives.  A course correction is needed on Hearth.  God is the Commander in Chief.  Whatever He says is right; and, the Seraphim have covenanted to obey God’s commands.  Angela was here on Hearth because she was personally involved in this situation, and she had been sent to end a couple of relationships as well as to form the foundation for a new one.

The Seraphic Angels in heaven have physical bodies or human bodies like ours – just upgraded and improved.  These bodies are of two classes.

First, there are the Mortal Seraphim.  They have semi-immortal, translated, transfigured physical bodies; but, they have to die before they can be resurrected from the dead and receive immortal power and glory.  The Mortal Seraphim typically have the same powers and abilities as the other Angels in Heaven with a few exceptions, even though they are still technically mortal.  They are physical like you and me, but they have been given access to all of the spiritual gifts of God, which we have not.  These people are typically called Translated Beings; whereas, we are called Fallen Beings or Mortal Beings.  Translated Beings feel no pain and have no fear.  Should they let themselves be killed, they can pull themselves back together when nobody is looking.  They simply sorrow for the sins and misfortunes of the mortal world to which they have been assigned.

Then there are the Immortal Seraphim.  They have lived and experienced at least one mortal life within a physical body.  They lived righteously and kept God’s commandments while living on their specific earth.  They were baptized and sealed by spiritual fire into God’s Kingdom and Church on their earth; but, they chose to remain single and unmarried during their mortal sojourn; and thus, they don’t have a spouse.  These are the Angels of Heaven, the Archangels.  They typically live in God’s presence in Heaven.  They are male and female; but, they are single, unmarried, and alone.  These people are typically called Resurrected Beings or Angels.

Resurrected Beings have to choose to die or choose to lay down their lives and their physical bodies, before they can be born again into another mortal physical life where they will be given the chance to pursue a Better Resurrection.

A resurrected body is a physical body that has all of the capabilities of a spirit body and more.  A resurrected physical body or a spiritual physical body can’t be killed or destroyed.  These people can phase-shift and teleport at will, yet they can also eat food as well as touch and interact with mortal physical bodies.  It’s the best of both worlds.

Finally, there are the Gods in Heaven, who have received Exaltation and the Best Resurrection.  The Gods are married, husband and wife.  They are Kings and Queens, Priests and Priestesses, Fathers and Mothers, Gods and Goddesses.  It’s physically impossible for a King to produce a Kingdom without a Queen at his side.  The Gods can produce both spirit bodies for their children and physical bodies for their children; and, they are authorized to do so.

Heaven works according to the Laws of Transdimensional Physics, Spiritual Physics, Energy Physics, Non-Physical Physics, or Quantum Mechanics.  Transdimensional means non-physical or non-local.  According to Quantum Phase-Shifting or Transdimensional Phase-Shifting, two physical objects or two quantum objects can exist simultaneously in the same space, if they are out of phase with each other.  That’s how your spirit body is able to reside within your physical body.  They occupy the same space at the same time, but they are out of phase with each other or reside in different dimensions so that they never merge and become one.  Your spirit body is just as solid in its dimension as your physical body is in its physical dimension, or it can be.  A spirit body is a lot more flexible and has much fewer limitations than a physical body.  A spirit body can actually change shape or form, whereas a physical body cannot.

Quantum Phase-Shifting is the ultimate in Stealth Technology, whether we realize it or not.  These people can literally disappear before our eyes, and we can’t see them nor touch them, yet they are still standing there exactly where they were standing before they phase-shifted into a different dimension.

Even though the Seraphim have physical bodies like we do, they are masters of Transdimensional Physics and don’t have any of the physical limitations that we have.  One of the more impressive and noticeable capabilities of the Seraphim is their ability to Teleport or Quantum Tunnel to any location of their choosing.  A physical body can Quantum Tunnel or Teleport to any location in this physical universe, instantaneously, simply by stopping the passage of time for that particular physical body or physical object.  It works because that’s the way it was designed to work.

Time is what keeps us tied to spacetime.  Separate your physical body from the passage of time, and you can teleport your physical body anywhere in the universe instantaneously.  Only God knows how to do that for you.  Only God holds the KEYS or the MASTERY to time and to all of this quantum tunneling or teleportation process.  You and your physical body are not going to quantum tunnel anywhere unless God gives you permission and the ability to do so, or unless God does it for you.

I experienced quantum tunneling when God stopped the passage of time and teleported me and the car I was driving to safety some distance away.  I was driving along when another car pulled out in front of me.  It hit the brakes, but there was nowhere to go but into the side and back of that car.  Time stopped, I felt the whole of eternity fold into me as if I were instantly omnipresent, and then suddenly I and the car were somewhere else in the middle of a lawn, with the car completely stopped and turned off.  If I would have kept going at that same speed in that new direction, I would have gone over the embankment and onto the freeway directly into incoming traffic.

It was nothing that I did.

It was something that God did to save me and a bunch of other people from serious harm.

I also experienced quantum tunneling when God sent me here to your earth to deliver a message.  I was told that nobody would listen to me and that nobody would take any of this seriously, but I was sent to deliver the message anyway as a testament that this information is available to anyone who is willing to look for it, see it, understand it, and accept it.

Physical atoms and physical matter can quantum tunnel anywhere in this universe simply by stopping the passage of time.  Eventually, if given enough time to make this scientific discovery, mortal physical beings finally notice that atoms and electrons have the innate ability to Teleport or Quantum Tunnel.  The physical atoms and electrons typically stay on task, because they covenanted with God to do so at the time that God brought them into existence or organized them.  In other words, the atoms and electrons and mass have covenanted to obey God’s Physical Laws or God’s Commands; but, that doesn’t change the fact that they still have the innate ability to teleport anywhere in this universe that they desire to go.

In a very real sense, physical atoms and electrons are spiritual physical bodies, or translated bodies – they retain their innate Transdimensional or Non-Physical capabilities.  They retain their spiritual or quantum capabilities, though the atoms typically choose not to use their ability to quantum tunnel or teleport.  They only do so at God’s command, because such is their mission or assignment.  They willingly submit to physical limitations as part of their mission in life.

Every physical atom has a non-physical intelligence, or life force, or spark, or quantum consciousness, or psyche, or a soul within it.  Physical atoms are alive.  Ironically, physical atoms are infinitely more intelligent than we humans are, because we have had physical limitations placed upon our human psyche or human intelligence, whereas the physical atoms have not, but simply choose to obey the physical laws or the physical limitations that God has provided for them so as to supply order and organization to them.  Limitations are what bring order and organization to chaos.  The individual physical atoms can quantum tunnel anywhere in the universe at will, but they choose not to do so.  They accept the God-given limitations instead.  They choose and accept their mission and their purpose in life.  The atoms leave the Transdimensional Physics or Quantum Mechanics to the massless, entropyless, limitless, chargeless, heatless, non-physical photons or quantum waves or quanta.

The Laws of Transdimensional Physics or Quantum Mechanics apply at the macro-scale as well.  You can technically teleport your physical body anywhere in this universe simply by stopping the passage of time within your physical body.  However, God’s Laws, or God’s Physical Commands prevent you from doing so.  God’s Commands or God’s Laws, as well as the passage of time, prevent the atoms and molecules within your physical body from teleporting or quantum tunneling away on you; consequently, you don’t dissolve into thin air, but remain physical and mortal and solid and alive thanks to God’s Laws or God’s ongoing commands.  God holds ALL the KEYS to Quantum Tunneling or Teleportation.  It’s never going to happen unless God permits it.

According to Transdimensional Physics, Non-Physical Physics, or Quantum Mechanics, you are everywhere all at the same time, at least a little bit.  In other words, Quantum Mechanics states that your physical body is omnipresent, at least a little bit.

Transdimensional Objects or Quantum Waves or Photons are omnipresent or everywhere simultaneously in their massless, entropyless, heatless, chargeless, syntropic, conserved, exergic, wave-like, non-local, non-physical, infinite acceleration format.  There’s some of that within every physical atom, whether we realize that or not.  That’s how they are able to quantum tunnel instantly to anywhere that they choose to go.  That’s how physical atoms are able to communicate with each other at a distance telepathically through quantum waves or thoughts.

Mass, or resistance to acceleration, or physical matter is a special case or a special exception.  What makes mass or mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) special is that it has had resistance to acceleration introduced into it, has been deliberately slowed down to velocities slower than the speed-of-light, and has been localized or given a position in both space and time.  Most of the physical atom is localized in spacetime, and only a small part of it is omnipresent, non-local, or quantum – the part that allows a physical atom to communicate with and interact with other physical atoms at a distance.

Any time that a massless, entropyless, heatless, chargeless, non-local, non-physical quantum wave or photon CHOOSES to stop, it transforms its energy INTO mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or mass’s heat storage capacity which is in fact the thing that your scientists call entropy.

At the same time Nature’s Psyche or the Controlling Psyches within your sun are currently transforming mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or entropy INTO massless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, infinite acceleration quantum waves or photons instead.

This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle or what your scientists call E = mc2.  The Perpetual Motion Cycle is a perpetual motion machine.  It will never get old, never wear out, and never cease to exist because energy of any kind and in any form is constantly conserved.  Physical matter or mass is nothing but an organized form of energy or light.  It’s all the same stuff in the end.  Quanta or energy packets or psyches are particles; and, mass or physical matter is nothing but energy or light.  It’s all a part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle, and back and forth it goes for all eternity.

This is how things really work at the quantum level in the Transdimensional or Non-Local or Non-Physical Realm.

At the speed-of-light, according to your theory of special relativity, time stops, the aging process stops, distance contracts to zero, entropy or physical limitations cease to exist, mass or resistance to acceleration goes to zero, mass’s heat storage capacity goes to zero, acceleration goes to infinity, and a physical object as well as a photon becomes omnipresent in both our physical universe and our transdimensional universe.

This is a true principle in Physics and the way things really work in Physics – both Physical Physics and Transdimensional Physics – whether we realize it or not.

From the perspective of a photon or a quantum wave, time has stopped, it doesn’t age, and it simply quantum tunnels directly and immediately to its destination experiencing nothing during the journey because the passage of time has stopped.  From our perspective the same photon travels the distance and takes time to do so.  From its perspective, a photon or quantum energy packet just quantum tunnels directly to its destination without experiencing anything during its journey because for it time has completely stopped during its journey.  This is how things really work at the transdimensional level or the quantum level, whether we realize it or not.  This is how the equations are balanced.

From our perspective trapped in spacetime, it takes billions of years for that photon to reach us.  From its massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, limitless, timeless, and non-physical perspective there is no passage of time, no distance, no aging process, no resistance to acceleration; and, that photon or quantum wave experiences nothing during its journey but simply and immediately quantum tunnels to its destination.

Photons or quantum waves are capable of infinite acceleration – they go from zero to what we call the speed-of-light instantly.  They have no resistance to acceleration because their mass or entropy has completely ceased to exist.  The photons or quantum waves are also capable of traveling at any velocity that they choose.  From our perspective, if they choose to limit themselves to the speed-of-light, then we call them “photons”.  From our perspective, if they choose to quantum tunnel or teleport, or if they choose to travel faster than the speed-of-light, then we call them “tachyons”.  From their perspective, they always quantum tunnel to their destination and experience no passage of time while doing so.

This is how things really work.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed.  This explains everything that we have ever experienced or observed.  This is Science or Knowledge.

The Seraphim can do with their physical bodies what the psyches, quantum waves, and photons can do with their spiritual or non-physical “bodies”, energy packets, quanta, or quantum waves.  The Seraphim can stop the passage of time, and then travel at or faster than the speed-of-light.  They can simply quantum tunnel or teleport to any destination of their choosing, and they experience nothing during the journey because for them the passage of time has stopped; and therefore, there is nothing to experience.  From their perspective, they are instantly at their destination, the very moment that they leave their starting point.

That’s quantum tunneling or teleportation.  Some of us have to experience it to believe it, and I have experienced it.  Time stops.  There’s a brief moment of eternity, omniscience, omnivision, or omnipresence while frozen in time; and then instantly, you are somewhere else completely different than where you were before time stopped; and then, the passage of time resumes.  There’s nothing like it.  It’s just like what special relativity predicts.  Time stops and for a brief moment while frozen in time you feel the whole of eternity fold into you as if you become one with the universe while simultaneously feeling like you are omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.

This was something that God did for me to save me because mortal beings can’t quantum tunnel at will.

Each type of physical body has its advantages.

Unlike mortal fallen human beings, the Seraphim or Angels are masters of Transdimensional Physics or Quantum Mechanics.  They can quantum tunnel or teleport anywhere they want to go, at will; and it works, just as if they were in a spirit body rather than a physical body.  They can phase shift.  They can be in two places at once.  They can levitate and walk on water.  They are telepathic and can read each other’s thoughts.  They can sense things at a distance.  They can transmute things and move things with their minds.  They can make themselves indestructible.  They can heal their physical bodies at will.  They can do all the things that we cannot do.

In contrast, as mortal fallen beings, we can sin, repent, turn around, make amends, experiment, forgive, try things, practice, change our minds, and learn from our sins and our mistakes.  If the Angels or the Seraphim sin or disobey God, it eventually catches up with them; and, the consequences of their choices are permanent, fatal, and eternal as we soon will see.

Mark My Words – Stealth Commander, Second Class

© July 2018, September 2019
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The Arrival of the Destroying Angel